All About Driver-less Cars

Driver-less cars also known as self – driving or autonomous vehicles are the cars for the future featuring an impressive uniqueness that almost every one would love to experience on any road trip.  One of the interesting attributes with driver-less vehicles is that there is no need for human drivers to safely operate the car or take any controls. Everything is done automatically by the smart car if i may call it.

It is important to note that it is the software and the sensors that navigates, controls as well as drives the car. Apparently, there are no autonomous vehicles that are allowed to legally operate but the existing ones are partially autonomous cars plus trucks with limited amounts of self -automation. These range from conventional vehicles that feature brakes plus lane assistance to highly independent driver-less prototypes.

Self driving vehicles have been described in different levels or Layers that vary from 0-5 according to the researchers. Such as;

Level 0 -This is when all the major or general systems are under human control.

Level 1– Some systems like, automatic braking or cruise control are controlled by the car and one at a time.

Level 2– Here the vehicle offers two coexisting automated functions like the steering and acceleration. However, this requires a human driver for safe operation of the car.

Level 3– At this level the car has the ability to operate all safety critical functions under given circumstances with the assistance of the driver whenever alerted.

Level 4– There is fully autonomous of the car when driving but this is not exercised on all functions of the vehicle.

Level 5– The vehicle can completely manage self driving under all conditions.

How do driverless cars work?

Various companies have managed to develop driverless cars such as; google, Tesla, Uber, Nissan and other technology companies. However, design details and appearance do vary but most of the autonomous cars do create and maintain an internal map of their surrounding environment. This is based on a diverse range of array of sensors such as; Radars.

Companies; like Uber driverless prototype car do use about 64 laser beams together with other sensors to create an internal map.

Google’s driver less prototype uses Laser beams, High powered cameras, Radar as well as Sonar.

Eventually the software computes the above devices, finds a path as well as sends instructions to the car actuator which helps to manage the braking, acceleration plus the steering.

Predictive modeling, obstacle avoidance algorithms, smart Object discrimination and hard coded rules play a significant role of helping the software to path through obstacles and obey traffic rules.

In synopsis, there is a lot of revolution on road transportation which includes the evolution self driving cars. In case you would love to learn more about driver-less cars, simply contact our professional reservation team by sending an email to or call us now on +256-779232316 to speak with our reservations team.